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What is a security door switch? What is the basic principle of a safety door swi
Release time:2022-04-11 10:54:00| Views:

According to its international safety door switch standard, the safety door switch makes good use of the full-function CNC machine tool shut-down and start-up principle. When the machine starts, the machine needs to be turned on for protection. After turning on the machine protection, the safety door switch will automatically cut off the connection point, cut off various controllers, better reduce accidents.

Due to the importance of safety door switch, generally used in medicine, food, lathes and other factories prone to production accidents. However, in the dust more places, such as chemical plants, cement plants, and so on, rarely used, mainly because if the use of more dust in the place of safety door switch, can not be used for a long time. In addition, the ambient temperature of the safety door switch should be controlled within an appropriate temperature range, below 5 ° C and above 35 ° C.

The basic principle of the safety door switch is composed of the switch body and the moving parts of the switch. When the safety door is opened, the moving part of the switch is pulled out of the switch body. In this respect, the normally closed contacts in the switch are cut off by the mechanical rebound device. When the safety door is closed, the switch moves a component into the switch body, and the contact point is often closed so that the drive or control system of the mechanical device can be energized. In any case, the safety door switch can not be used as a mechanical stop switch with separate moving parts.


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